one purpose. one passion.
Find out why euroSKIES is the right place for you!



one purpose. one passion. These words capture the essence of our community, where people from all walks of life come together under a common goal and shared enthusiasm for aviation.
With a commitment to excellence and a shared love of the boundless beauty of flight, our community thrives on the diversity of its members. Here, each individual contributes to the tapestry of euroSKIES, making our collective passion for aviation even more vibrant and dynamic.

“This is too strict for me!“
This may seem that way at first, but that is definitely not our intention.
Our aim is not to be overly restrictive. We simply want to maintain the realistic aspect of flight simulation.
After all, in “real life,” an A380 would not land in Gibraltar either.

Your Checklist

- You are already familiar with your flight simulator and can independently perform a flight from point A to point B?
- You have enough proficiency with at least one of the aircraft from the euroSKIES fleet, so that you know the essentials from takeoff to landing?
- You have an interest in engaging with virtual “SOPs” (Standard Operating Procedures) and adhering to them to the best of your knowledge and ability?
- Regular flying (at least 1 flight per month) is not a problem for you?

An example of our qualifications
Each airport has its own categorization according to the following scheme: A, B, or C.
“A” airports are very simple airports. There is nothing to consider, and they have an Instrument Landing System (ILS).
“B” airports are a bit more demanding. For example, the runway might be shortened or narrow, or there might be a missing instrument approach from a certain direction.
“C” airports are the ones often referred to as “Captain’s Landing” airports.

There will be a qualification for “B” and another for “C” categories. During these qualifications, you will be introduced to various airports with different tasks. These tasks are solvable with the help of our documentation, of course.
Of course, you can only obtain the qualification for Category “C” after you have acquired the Category “B” qualification.
Exactly, once you perform a flight from the flight plan, for example, to Gibraltar, you must have the “C” qualification for that airport. This qualification does not expire unless you fail to adhere to our rules!

Our Checklist

- We are always here for you, ready to help with anything.
- You can develop individually and at your own pace. There are no ‘exams.’ To ensure ‘performance’ in our qualifications, simply complete the ‘test flight.’
- We don’t put any obstacles in your way. You can expand your qualifications whenever you want.
- With our ‘OCC’ Tour, you’ll get an optimal start and learn the system playfully.
What are you waiting for?
We are excited to welcome you to our team.
Register today and take your first euroSKIES flight!