Rules and Regulations
1 General Statement
The euroSKIES virtual airline simulates a virtual Operations Manual system. The euroSKIES Rules and Regulations are part of the virtual Operations Manual Part I, chapter 1 “General”.
For further information, please refer to our virtual Operations Manual Part I.
In our network, we refer to all individuals as “he,” regardless of their gender. This is not a gender norm, but a choice we have made to simplify the readability of our text and avoid unnecessary repetitions. We want to emphasize that we welcome every person, regardless of their gender, and do not tolerate any form of discrimination based on gender. We kindly ask for your understanding regarding this decision and encourage you to bring to our attention any instances where our choice of words may be unclear or offensive.
2 Purpose
The purpose of euroSKIES is to provide a free and non-profit virtual airline accessible through the internet. euroSKIES is an educational and entertainment organization available to everyone at no cost. Everyone is welcome as long as they adhere to the rules and regulations, follow the instructions of our staff, and abide by the virtual operations manuals.
euroSKIES is a purely virtual airline for flight simulation
3 Terms of use
3.1 General
The use of euroSKIES is free of charge.
The use of euroSKIES requires the user to accept and adhere to the rules & regulations, terms of use, and privacy policy. These are published on the website and in the documentation, accessible to every user.
euroSKIES reserves the right to exclude users without prior notice if they violate the rules and regulations, engage in abusive behavior, or jeopardize the networks, systems, or documents, gain unauthorized access, manipulate, disseminate, or alter them.
The staff has the authority to issue directives to users.
There is no legal entitlement to membership.
We reserve the right to contact users regarding their membership at any time.
By registering, you consent to receive our newsletter containing information from and about euroSKIES. If you do not wish to receive the newsletter, please contact members@euroskies.net or unsubscribe from the newsletter.
3.2 Account
A one-time registration with euroSKIES using a complete and authentic name entitles the user to use euroSKIES, provided the user is at least 16 years old at the time of registration.
Users between the ages of 14 and 16 may register an account with the consent of their legal guardians. During the registration process, euroSKIES may request appropriate proof.
By registering, providing a valid email address, and confirming the consent of legal guardians (if required), it is deemed sufficient to enable the use of euroSKIES.
euroSKIES reserves the right to verify accounts at any time if there are doubts about the user’s usage or identity.
Users are required to keep their user accounts up to date.
Registering multiple accounts is prohibited.
3.3 Activity
Active users may be deactivated, suspended, or removed.
An active user is defined as any member who has completed the prescribed level of activity within the designated time frame.
The year is divided into two periods: January to June and July to December, each culminating in a deadline as follows: June 30 and December 31.
Within the previous six months (Jan to Jun & Jul to Dec), every pilot is required to accomplish one of the following criteria:
- Complete a minimum of 5 flights from our scheduled flights, tours, or events.
– or – - Accumulate a minimum of 15 hours of flight time.
Flights must be conducted in accordance with the official flight schedule, tours, or events to be recognized as fulfilling activity requirements. Independent flights outside these parameters will not contribute to maintaining account activity.
Inactive user accounts will be removed after 3 months of inactivity.
After initial registration, the account will be removed after 3 months if no activity is recorded.
Reactivation or extension of the removal period can be requested at any time via members@euroskies.net.
4. Rules
4.1 Definitions
A status in the staff with partial or full control over the server and system, as well as associated functions.
Admin Comment
An entry in the user account that is only visible to the administrator and responsible staff.
A badge awarded by the flight operation or management for outstanding achievements. These can include completing a tour or earning a rating.
A transfer of the most important content and information on a flight plan or task (e.g. when purchasing a rating) provided by flight operations. This can be created automatically or manually.
A responsible person in the staff who coordinates, manages, and is accountable for defined processes and tasks.
A group within the staff responsible for a specific task.
A leadership role in the staff for a defined area of responsibility, with authority over the subject area and department.
The highest level in the staff, responsible for the complete administration and leadership of euroSKIES.
A user other than staff.
An achieved level as a member, defined by various factors and tasks to fulfill, bringing responsibilities and competencies.
A qualification that must be acquired, confirming specific competencies according to euroSKIES guidelines. It may be a prerequisite for further ratings or rankings or for conducting specific flights.
Voluntary submission of full name, email address, date of birth, and IP. Additional voluntary information can also be provided.
A group of users with voluntary tasks related to the organization and coordination of euroSKIES.
A temporary or permanent exclusion of a user.
Natural or legal person registered with euroSKIES.
User Account
Every user has access to euroSKIES through their user account. Users can make all settings for using euroSKIES through their user account. Certain data is made visible to others.
4.2 General Rules
The permissible languages for membership and virtual flight operations are German and English.
All users must behave in accordance with the rules and regulations.
It is not allowed to share music, movies, images, or pornographic, racist, political, or illegal content, as well as any sexual suggestions, behavior, or innuendos. Violations will be sanctioned, including reporting for criminal prosecution. In case of minor victims and suspects, legal guardians will be contacted first.
A friendly and cooperative behavior is expected. euroSKIES does not tolerate insults or bullying. Such behavior will be (civilly) punished.
With a higher rank, the user becomes increasingly a contact person for another member. Providing helpful support to members of euroSKIES is expected.
New users, users who want to earn a new rating or ranking, or users who need assistance with the implementation and interpretation of the virtual Operations Manual System can receive support from other users or the staff. Appropriate coordination can be requested by email to members@euroskies.net or on the official euroSKIES Discord server.
Users can be members of other virtual airlines, but recording flights simultaneously is prohibited.
Users are only allowed to use approved software.
4.3 Flight Simulation Rules
All flights must be performed in real-time simulation mode (1x simulation rate). The pause mode of the simulator is not allowed during online flights.
Users should have basic knowledge of virtual aviation and the aircraft they are flying, as well as the procedures required for the planned flight.
Simulation of emergency procedures (Squawk 7700) and “comm-loss” (Squawk 7600) is allowed, but euroSKIES does not provide documentation for emergency actions. Users must implement appropriate procedures on their own responsibility.
Simulation of “unlawful interference” (hijacking, Squawk 7500) is not allowed and will be sanctioned.
Pilot reports must be submitted within 24 hours after completing the flight. Validation may take up to 7 days. Pilot reports not submitted in a timely manner may be excluded and deleted from the evaluation.
Pilot reports may require additional documentation, as defined in the virtual Operations Manual System. These additional reports are only suggested and voluntary. Examples include reporting a “resolution advisory” to the flight operation or documenting de-icing procedures performed.
The virtual Operations Manual System provided by euroSKIES is intended solely for use in flight simulation. For real aviation, use the documents and manuals provided by your ATO, company, AIP, and the aircraft.
Flights may only be conducted as euroSKIES flights with the corresponding flight number system.
An award, ranking, or rating may be granted or revoked.
Ratings and rankings may be required for specific operational areas, such as long-haul and airport qualifications (e.g., CAT C airports). A complete list, including the description of their acquisition, is published in the virtual Operations Manual System.
If necessary rankings or ratings are not obtained, flights may be deleted (even retroactively).
The requirement for certain rankings and ratings does not apply to free flights, which are independent of our flight plan, tour, or event system.
Flights from our flight plan should be conducted mostly according to the briefing. The scheduled times are only suggestions; the flight can be conducted at any time.
Flights can also be performed with other aircraft from the euroSKIES fleet, unless the tour or event rules or the virtual Operations Manual prohibit it.
Flights with aircraft not belonging to the euroSKIES fleet are not allowed.
If a corresponding euroSKIES livery is available, it must be used.
Moving the aircraft after starting the engines is not allowed.
Sharing internal information without written permission from the management is not allowed.
Exceptions can be requested for specific cases or temporarily by contacting operations@euroskies.net.
Non-compliance with our simulation rules may lead to the deletion of flights and, in individual cases, to exclusion from euroSKIES.
4.4 Rules for Staff and Management
For users who are active in the Staff or Management, the “Rules and Regulations for Staff and Management” published in the virtual Operations Manual Part Staff apply additionally.
Users who wish to engage in the Staff must be at least 18 years old.
Users who wish to engage in the Management must be at least 21 years old.
Users who wish to engage in the Staff or Management must have completed at least the “OCC Qualification” and reached the rank of “First Officer.”
Suspension and Sanctions
The Human Resources Manager is responsible for deciding on suspension and sanctions.
In case of repeated violations, higher levels of suspension and sanctions can be determined on an individual basis.
non-compliance to rules and regulations
aggressive or abusive behavior
criminal acts
sexual harassment
unauthorized distribution of the documentation and content to third parties
30 days
30 days
life & criminal charges
1 year & Account reset *
1 year & Account reset *
* Depending on the severity, the Staff will decide on whether to file a criminal complaint.
6. Miscellaneous
6.1 Changes
All changes must be announced immediately.
The rights of the user or existing rules and regulations will not be restricted without good reason.
6.2 Misstakes
We are a non-profit organization and constantly strive to improve the user experience. However, if you notice any errors, we kindly ask you to inform us directly. Through close cooperation, we can ensure that everything runs smoothly together. We also request that you avoid expensive legal proceedings and instead contact us directly to find a quick and effective solution.
We are a virtual airline for flight simulation purposes. It is not possible to purchase flight tickets with us, and we have no connections or affiliations with real airlines. Any similarities to existing airlines are purely coincidental and unintentional.